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August 11, 2010


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diane oliver

This is just beautiful. I love your color combo and the pearls .... well they speak for themselves. so pretty.

Susan Erickson

This is absolutely gorgeous, Gretchen! I love punching just the corners of the white card stock.
Sue aka The Soggy Stamper


Wow! My favorite color combination, and this is just a STUNNER card. I'll give you all the glory, and will have to use this card in workshops (strictly show-and-tell) FOREVER, as well as for my Shoebox contribution next week. And maybe even part with one in the mail. Maybe.

Edna Burgess

Very pretty card. I like those colors myself. Edna

Samantha Ovitt

This is absolutely gorgeous! You take my breath away!

Scrappywonder aka Rebecca

stunning!!! tfs! R ;)


Gretchen, this is a "WOW" stunning card. I buy so many clothes in this shade of Purple. Eggplant is a great color with Old Olive and White. I would love to share this card with my stamp class, I always credit the person that shares with me. This is the colors I had in mind for this stamp set. You got to it first. The embellishments are so perfect too. This is a winner. Thank you !!

Colleen Dietrich

I receive your blog updates via email, and always enjoy reading each post. You are such a bright, happy spirit! When this latest post reached me today, I HAD to pop over to your blog and say, "Wow!!". I love this card so much. Everything about it speaks to my heart. It is GORGEOUS. Thanks for doing all that you do. If you ever have time, could you take a look at my blog, too? It is Dietrich Designs: http://colleen-dietrichdesigns.blogspot.com/

Have a blessed day, Gretchen!

heidi ens

I really like this card. I like the big shot and what it can add to the cards.

Qbee (Brenda)

Totally Gorgeous!!!!!

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