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July 29, 2017


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Thanks so much for the wealth of info. on your blog. I can't get into any of the free tutorials you have listed. Is there another way to get around this problem? Also please send me your email address as I am having trouble with that as well.

Cherie Gibson

So glad you are back! Tried to access your tutorials but access denied. Not sure what is going on there? :(

Kay Capps

Hi Gretchen- It is great to see your name again! So many have missed you!!I hope all is well with you! Hugs Kay Capps

Lynn Mackay

I am so happy you are back I missed all your wonderful creations so looking forward to your new blog post

Sue Brunson

Hi Gretchen, I do really appreciate you giving us the ability to use your techniques and tutorials, I am always excited to learn new things. I tried about 4 of these links, but unfortunately they are not working. It's probably got something to do with your reorganization, but I thought I should let you know.

Jean Fitch

Hi Gretchen. Wonderful to see you active again on the blog. Love the lists with links. One problem...I get error messages when I click. Here's an example:This gretchenbarron.typepad.com page can’t be found
No webpage was found for the web address: http://gretchenbarron.typepad.com/my_weblog/tutorial-folded-origami-star/

Could be it's just a tablet interaction thing but thought I'd mention it.

Excited to see your new blog posts coming. Hugs and blessings - Jean

Brenda B

So glad to see your name in my emails. FYI, I have no problems in opening any of your links.

Thank you for sharing these. Best wishes to you.

Bernice P

Thanks so much! Was excited to see your mail come across this morning..

Thanks for sharing all these links with us..

Susan Murphy

I'm so glad you are bag on your blog! Welcome back!

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